20 Reasons Why You Should Not Eat Too Much Bananas


#17 Drowsiness

20 Reasons You Should Not Eat Bananas
Courtesy of: guardvant.com

You might have been told never to eat a banana for breakfast. There is a logic behind this statement, and it is not suspicion or an old wives’ tale. Bananas contain a substance known as tryptophan. This substance causes a person to be drowsy and also decreases their efficiency. Furthermore, bananas have a high concentration of magnesium ion, which is a muscle relaxer and further boosts lethargy.




  1. I love bananas. I have one everyday at breakfast along with toast with butter and cheese and jam. And, a cup of coffee. I have done this for years. I am 78 yars old and I look like 58. Feel good. Have energy.

    Well, I guess it depends on the individual. Organisms can react in different ways…

  2. Absolute Piffle,Why are these people seemingly allowed to print such garbage.
    Everything in moderation is basic common sense.
    They should concentrate their investigations into something useful to mankind
    Like a long term cure for Covid!!
    How much do these people get PAID?

  3. I eat a lot of bananas when there is Banana season from our own trees.
    I guess there may be a lot of fertilizers and insect repellent chemicals in the bananas sold in the western world in the shop, green harvested and shipped all over the world. So if you are intolerant, then do not eat if you like them eat not to much and all will work out